Wednesday 25 April 2018

Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

During any creation process, it is vital to gain audience feedback throughout to ensure that your production intrigues your target audience. Before starting this project, we decided it was important to gather information from the public to gain initial inspiration allowing us to develop a story-line. After this and after solidifying our initial trailer outline, we searched for more insight into our chosen sub-topic of masculinity.

We asked an array of questions on Survey Monkey and presented the analysis of these results in Prezi presentations.

Initial ideas survey Prezi presentation: Survey analysis

Masculinity Prezi presentation: Survey analysis

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Full review: Piktochart

The film website:

The film poster:

The final teaser trailer:
Below is a sequence of clips that are taken from the final teaser trailer that we created. Noticeably, they are similar to the shots of those featured within the film website and the film poster, carrying the same colour pallet and mise en scene too. It was important that all our ancillary text complimented each other in order for them all to work as one, unique promotional package which is identifiable to the audience.


The Shape of Water - Website Deconstruction

The Shape of Water - Website Deconstruction

  • Initially whilst the website is loading, this logo comes up and loads up full. This typography is sleek and has relevance to the genre of the film. The screen other than that is in complete darkness.
  • After, you are promptly greeted with the trailer. This is very intelligent, almost forcing you to watch the trailer. If you want to exit this you can close it from the top right corner. 
  • When you close this, it is really easy to navigate around.navigate around. The title of the film would normally be expected to come up, as this is a website convention, yet this website subverts this convention and instead it says 'embraced' in thin white writing. We liked the idea of a water in background so we decided to use it. At the top, there are direct links to actors, extra videos, fan art and opening dates. This can extend the fan loyalty base to an even further extent.

Costuming research

Costuming research

Image result for plain navy hoodie
Image result for ralph lauren puffer jacket mensThere is only one character in the opening scene of our film, thus leaving us only one costume to think about.  We decided to use a majority of black and navy clothing  and some blue for the costume. Black is usually associated with  mystery, solitude, which are all relative to the teaser. Underneath the jacket there is a blue/navy hoodie. This colour is similar to that of the colour of the ocean thus linking with the water symbolism throughout the trailer. All black Air Max 97's are also used which had a Nike logo on it which had no relation with the symbolism but it does have a social realistic essence to it. The tracksuit worn underneath was also navy with ever so slight hints of white and blue 

Brotherhood Other social realism films Image result for brotherhood film

Noel Clarke from 'Brotherhood', another film about social realism is wearing almost exactly the same costume apart from the puffer jacket, however he is seen wearing one in some parts of the film 'Brotherhood'. He is also wearing navy jeans in the film and poster. Taking a second look at the majority of the characters from the film, they seem to have the same/similar costume. This was not intentional, but highlights our correct judgement of colour choice to an even further extent.

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Across our project we utilised a vast variety of media technologies. Below is the link to a prezi we created to showcase the different technologies we used in all the stages of our project.

Evaluation Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our teaser trailer conforms to Fowler's 1989 theory that "An individual text within a genre rarely if ever has all of the characteristic features of genre".  To an extent, our teaser trailer conforms to the conventions of our genre (social realism), for example the way in which the social struggles of underprivileged collective groups are told to an audience via individual stories. This means of informing an audience of the harsh realities of contemporary society is integral to the social realism genre, and is utilised in films such as:
  • "London to Brighton" - the danger of prostitution rings is told through the stories of the two main protagonists
  • 'Trainspotting" - the dangerous effects of heroine use on society and friendships is told through the stories of the protagonists
  • "The Selfish Giant" - the injustices and struggles of working class life are presented via the story of Swifty and Arbour
The social issue we wanted to depict was the issue and taboo surrounding masculinity in regards to mental health and expressing emotion. We chose this as we felt it was a zeitgeist issue popular in the media, for example Robert Webb's popular autobiography titled "How Not to Be a Boy" which discusses the conflict between the alpha male archetype and the ability to express and experience emotion.

We adhered to the convention of the protagonist being a young adult, and deliberately cast our character as a non-professional actor in order to reinforce the sense of realism. We were inspired by the casting of Thomas Turgoose in Shane Meadows "This is England" - the actor is unknown and unprofessional which adds a realistic tone.  We casted an 18 year old male with little prior acting experience to ensure we achieved the gritty tone so integral to social realism.

Whilst researching existing real media texts, we noticed that emotion was crucial to the representation of the protagonist. For example, camera techniques are used to reinforce the protagonist's psyche. For example, in the Rocky films, the protagonist is shot using a backwards tracking shot running towards the camera with a blank expression. Although subtle, this shot reflects the protagonist's desire to escape while reflecting his struggle against society's expectations of him. We tried to replicate this within our own media text as we felt as though it was important to depict the inner conflict of our protagonist which is crucial to conforming to the conventions of social realism.

During the research and planning stages of our project we concluded that social realist texts utilise urban, gritty locations. There are no special effects or complexly designed sets. This was a convention we felt imperative to render our teaser trailer as one belonging to the social realism genre, so we chose to shoot our media text in various urban locations, including urban streets, a gritty run-down pier and a dilapidated sea-side town.

Although our media text adhered to many of the genre conventions of social realism, as Fowler recognised texts "rarely if ever [have] all of the characteristic features". With this in mind, we decided to subvert some of the common codes and conventions of social realism. Often, films with a profound social commentary are created with a semi-improvised script to achieve the effect of realistic life-like dialogue. In our piece we subverted this by not including dialogue at all; we wanted to focus primarily on symbolism and aesthetic cinematography to convey our Preferred Reading. We felt that by experimenting creatively with our technique we could adequately convey our protagonist's emotions and feeling, while simultaneously serving as a step away from clear-cut realism. To show creative experimentation without dialogue we:

  1. used varied lighting - i.e. the pink lighting in the boxing scenes
  2. used various locations 
  3. used various camera angles i.e. underwater shot, backwards tracking, vertical tilt
  4. used post-production editing techniques i.e. time-lapse

Adhering to the Conventions of a Teaser Trailer

During the research aspect of our project we listed a specification for a teaser trailer:
  • Sheds a film in the most positive light to a potential audience
  • Scenes are cut and edited into a short sequence
  • The MPAA state that every trailer has to be less than 2 and a half minutes long
  • Must portray the protagonist and any other key characters
  • Must convey the time period in which the film is set
  • Must convey essential aspects of the narrative without giving too much information away
We adhered to all of these points. We clearly displayed our protagonist while informing the viewer of the subject of the film without spoiling the narrative. We did this through the use of symbolism and carefully selected cinematography. 

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Colour within film

The importance of colour within film

Colour in costuming

For costuming we found that all black, blue and white was suitable for our genre of social realism. Due to the more variety of colours of the costume, we were able to manipulate emotions of the audience via the use of colour.

Natural colour

The more we researched into films, the further the knowledge on the importance of colour increased and we promptly came to a conclusion that colour played a large role in film production and film development. Light and colour often accompany one another, seeing as colours are the components of light. Colours portray emotions usually either subtly or very explicitly. Anything that is a source of light or reflects it has an effect on what it's seen on and on the colours of the scene. We thought about our scenes we were going to film in and the lighting that they were going to be in. After some serious consideration we decided that we would use colours like blue, navy, some black and pink. The way we could implement these colours is via costuming and the setting we was in (The seaside, the gym). Colour is vital as it can guide thinking or generate certain reactions.

Colour in editing

Grant Wood's American Gothic (1930) Widely known icon of social realism 

The most effective way to establish a mood was actually post-production editing by editing the contrast, hue and saturation of the scene to generate a 'film type look'. This film look allowed the film opening to maintain a continuous professionalism. Several people were asked about the opening with or without the change in contrast and saturation and they said that they preferred it with the low contrast and saturation. Changing the saturation can make the scene more graphic or dull.