Wednesday 4 October 2017

Location scouting

Location No.1 - Erith Pier

When brainstorming ideas for a location to film in, we had intentions to find a large open space where our main character would be perceived to be alone and isolated. Erith pier came up in discussion due to the solidarity of it, but also due to the vast view that can be seen, making any shots very picturesque. We were also instantly drawn to this location due to the water. We aspire to include ample symbolism in out teaser trailer, representing masculinity, and we believe we could use the image of water to show purity and the power of the natural elements. 

Advantages to this location:

  • It is an accessable location which is near to where we live, meaning we can visit multiple times if re-shooting is needed
  • The area has a natural ambience of isolation which is slightly eery, due to the vast open space and we can use this to our advantage 
  • Within the pier  there are several different, smaller locations, such as a storage hut, some stairs, and the strip of the pier itself. We can shoot in all of these areas which allows us to gather different backgrounds despite being in the same place
  • The pier is located near to services and shops, giving us access to toilets and resources if they are needed through out  shooting day. 
  • This location is generally rather quiet, meaning that there is less chance we will disrupt the public and the public won't effect what we are attempting to film
  • Access is easily granted as it is a public area
  • It is a safe area 
  • There is a vast amount of water which is an excellent opportunity to engage wit out theme of masculinity as we intended to use water as symbolism for this
  • Great mise en scene for an urban drama
Disadvantages of the location:

  • This location is lit by natural light which can vary so we are limited to the hours in which we can film
  • There is a lack of electricity to charge any equipment

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