Monday 20 November 2017

Political Climate within Social Realist Films

Political Climate within Social Realist Films

As listed in the codes and conventions of social realism, I touched upon the fact that social realist films are typically set among a socio-political backdrop of political unrest. I decided to research existing texts where the respective political climate serves as a catalyst for narrative development.

This is England

One film that does this clearly is 'This is England'', directed by Shane Meadows. The character Shaun's father died in the Falkland's War, and the repercussions of this occur throughout the film. More generally, the misfortunes of the characters in the film are portrayed to be resultant of Thatcher's government of England. The North of England was most profoundly affected be Thatcher's closing of industrial work, leading to mass unemployment and a loss of national identity. 'This is England' highlights how many young people joined the skinhead movement as an act of defiance and as an attempt to reclaim their lost national identity.

How will we incorporate the current political climate in our final piece?

An issue with a dominant presence in current society is the issue of mental health and masculinity. Suicide is the biggest killer of young men and this is an issue that is partially resultant of societally inflicted gender stereotypes. Men feeling as though they are unable to speak out about their emotions and issues leads to an increase in mental health issues among males, and this is an issue we wanted to discuss in our piece.

Our film will contain a character-driven plot, focussing on the nuances and subtleties of the protagonist's character and struggle. We will use juxtaposing images of stereotypical masculinity contrasted with images suggestive of mental health issues, showing how the latter are often hidden behind a facade of 'toughness'.

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