Monday 29 January 2018

Fish tank poster deconstruction

Fish Tank poster deconstruction-

  • The positioning of Mia is framed to the very edge of the poster and she is seen to be looking out of the window. This portrays the view that she is an outcast of society, trapped within the reality that she is stuck in although she is aware of the better life that isn't available to her.
  • The fact that she is pressed up against the window gives the impression that she is trapped like a goldfish, coinciding with the title.
  • The mise en scene of her clothing and makeup is very simple which could be a reflection of her low economic class. She has a plain black short sleeve top and the gold jewellery can be viewed as 'chav' like, showing she feeds into the British working class stereotype. 
  • As well as this her appearance is quite masculine, coinciding with her character as she lacks femininity 
  • The wall behind is damaged and stained with drawings and scribbles. The lack of white on the wall perhaps reflects the absence of her prurity and that he life if full of scars and imperfections.  
  • The lighting used in this poster is interesting as Mia is presented in the light, almost angelic like. This portrays her as the innocent character so the audience is drawn to empathise with her, despite her bad behaviour throughout the film.
  • The colour of the title 'FISHTANK' is blue which works well with the literal idea of inside a fish tank as it represents water, but also is effective next to the pink writing. This could show the contrast between stereotypical 'girl' and 'boy' colours which not only reflects her characters lack of femininity but also highlights how her relationships with men in the film have been damaging. 
  • The star system is an effective way of attracting the audience as a four-star film would seem desirable to watch.
  • The writing on the walls can in some ways symbolise graffiti which is typical mise en scene in a social realism film, thus hinting at the genre of the film.

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