Monday 23 April 2018

Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

Location: Erith Pier & Inside shots

1:00pm - Leave school
1:20pm - Arrive at location in Erith
1:25pm - Establish precise location on the pier and set up camera, starting by adjusting the tripod to an appropriate height.
1:30pm - Start filming a few different shots of pier including a few establishing shots
1:50pm - Film different shots of me on pier e.g walking, overlooking water
2:30pm - Running tracking shots with car, several of these to have a variety
3:20pm - Go home and set up for the inside shots
3:35pm - Film closeups in mirror, closeups of razor, blood shots
4:00pm - Take shots inside bath with clothes on , blood in water , POV shots

Location: Margate & Chinese solitude

11:00am - Leave school
12:15pm - Arrive at Margate
12:25pm - Location scouting for best suitable place for filming
12:35pm - Start filming stationary running shots down beach, get some establishing shots
1:00pm - More running shots in different setting
1:30pm - Take a huge amount of photos of the scenery and the protagonist for the poster
2:00pm - Few more running shots again in different setting, closeups
2:20pm - Leave Margate
3:35pm - Arrive at Chinese + order Chinese
3:40pm - Take several Mid shots of lonely Chinese ingestion with tripod

Location: Gym & Outside shopping precinct

1:00pm -  Leave school
1:20pm - Arrive outside shopping precinct and film 15 minute time lapse
1:35pm -  Leave shopping precinct and go to gym
1:45pm - Arrive at gym and start filming boxing shots
2:00pm - Film workout shots and some setting establishment shot
2:15pm - Film more boxing scenes and try film audio only of the boxing bag
2:25pm - Water shots , drinking water , and sweat on face closeup
2:35pm - Film lifting weights, looking at myself in mirror and using hairdryer

Location: Cafe

3:35pm - Leave school
3:45pm - Arrive at Cafe + order food + take few shots with and without friends in shot
3:55pm - Take more shots with + without friends in the scene to show more loneliness

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