Monday 16 April 2018

Website Deconstruction - Moonlight

Website Deconstruction - Moonlight

  • The initial webpage when the website is clicked on shows a fading transitional slide show of the three stages of Chiron's life as he appears in the film. This indicates to the viewer that these characters play an integral role in the narrative - the three men signalling that themes of masculinity are prominent within the film.
  • The title is clear and distinct across the screen, however is written using a delicate typography so as to not distract the viewer from the photography. 
  • The photographs occupying the entire screen are particularly emotive - the heavy focus on eyes provoking empathy from the viewer. As a group we can hopefully take inspiration from this apt use of a still image to convey a meaningful message. 
  • The webpage also utilises social media by including links to the film's twitter, facebook and instagram. The links are small and discreet, however still legible in a white font. 
  • The tagline features on the webpage, however is relatively discreet in relation to the film's title. The Academy Award for 'Best Picture' is privileged over the tagline as it is more likely to attract potential viewers.
  • It is interesting to note the use of "Follow the story" in the bottom left hand corner of the webpage. The arrow underneath it signals the viewer to scroll down - leading them towards the rest of the webpage which has a scroll interface similar to those of popular social media networks. The simple scroll nature of the website is aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for use, especially for younger audiences as the website reads similarly to a blog or twitter feed.
  • "Follow the story" resonates as something giving the film a narrative that extends beyond the film itself. Being a talked-about zeitgeist film due to its theme of masculinity and predominantly black cast, the film is more than just a story. Black men are statistically greatly underrepresented in the film industry, making "Moonlight" a story of black success made evident by its website.

  • Above is a screenshot of part of the website. The website features headlines in a news outlet style fashion, with images and transitioning text adding aesthetic value to the site.

What inspiration can we take from this?

  1.  A website that flows - allows for easy viewing, modern and aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Image focussed - aesthetically pleasing as image is able to dominate the screen
  3. Suitable privileging of typography - most important text to be the largest
  4. Inclusion of reviews

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