Thursday 12 October 2017

Dunkirk Deconstruction

Teaser Trailer Deconstruction- Dunkirk

Since our groups initial idea for our teaser trailer was the theme of masculinity, the film 'Dunkirk', an intense plot focusing on the plight of soldiers, seemed very fitting to research and gather inspiration from. 

Analysis of teaser trailer- 

  • The opening shot of the foamy sea immediately displays a colour scheme of predominantly dull greys which effectively give a very sombre feel to the trailer, perhaps foreshadowing the key personality of this film. 
  • This works well with the low key lighting, although it is natural light it has been manipulated to give a dull an lifeless atmosphere.
  • Personally, the highlight of this trailer for me is the effective use of sound. The non diegetic off screen ticking sound of a clock is consistent throughout the majority sequence, increasing speed within. This is an excellent way of building up the tension in the scene as it is not until the end of the trailer we, the audience, realise it is actually the sound of a bomb, producing immense terror. 
  • This sound is interrupted by the high pitched piercing sound of the bomb approaching, which increases in sound highlighting it coming nearer. This works effectively as the sound represents the danger and we can see this the characters responding to this fear.
  • The vast open space of the location in this teaser trailer is perfect to present the men as isolated and very alone. The emptiness of their surroundings compliments this making it very lifeless. We can use this as inspiration when selecting our filming locations as wide open spaces seem particularly good to represent isolation.  
  • All the men are dressed in the same, army uniform consisting of camos and helmets. Although this soldier attire can highlight their masculinity and make them seem powerful, the fact that they are all identical eliminates their identity as they are not classified as individuals but instead as a group. 
  • The mud and dirtiness of their skin can arguably represent the toughness and strength of the men which again helps to present a bold masculine view
  • The effective use of post production helps intensify the teaser trailer. The visual shot is interrupted by black screens with text that slowly enlarges, however the sound is still continuous. 
  • The presence of the black screens which appear contain some text providing a brief few words about the film such as 'survival is victory'. The fact that they quickly appear and reappear increase the speed of the teaser trailer.

What we can take from this deconstruction-

  • This trailer has demonstrated an excellent use of sound therefore we will ensure we focus on this technique to create a huge impact in our own trailer
  • This teaser has also inspired our typography as it presents a simple, but effective use of reviews that compliment the intensity of the trailer
  • Since our trailer is based upon masculinity and isolation, we will take note of some of the camera work used. There were effective the huge open shots of the beach, especially when the man is surrounded by negative space, as this really represents his isolation which we will use as inspiration when filming

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