Thursday 12 October 2017

Poster deconstruction - Kidulthood

Kidulthood poster deconstruction

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There are several conventions of a film poster. The title of the film coupled with the typography can sometimes hint at the genre of the film. The tagline is used to promote and hook the audience. In this case the tagline is 'Streets of London'. In this case you may be able to as a viewer not having any knowledge of the film , have an idea of what the film may be about with just the typography and tagline. Website and social media links are also included which encourages the audiences to look at the social media and to talk about the film on social media which would result in an increase the amount of attention from other viewers. On the Kidulthood poster on the left, there is a rating of five stars and a review of the film from a commended source radiating a overall positive review of the film. The main image of the cast is that of a similar style to Adulthood, where the actors are positioned in such a way of importance , however unlike Adulthood where the main character was at the front, in this case he is at the far right. Characters in the Kidulthood poster are wearing urban street clothes like jeans , puffer jackets and hoodies, thus further highlighting the common conventions of a social realism genre. Once again unlike Adulthood, the colours used are not ab ombre of warm-toned orange and yellows, but very dark black, greys and silhouettes of the London estate blocks in the background, suggesting that this is all there is to these blocks. Ambient darkness which they all want to turn their backs to. The star rating of five is easy and a quick way to portray the exceptional reviews that the film has. Once again unlike Adulthood, there is no release date on the poster, which in this case doesn't allow the audience to be waiting for the release and it potentially could create less of an excitement and a decrease in the hype for the film. In Kidulthood, unlike Adulthood, there is no opportunity to download the film trailer from the ancillary text, therefore it is hindered in its expansion of audience reach. 
All of this hinderance is reflected in the total box office generated from both Kidulthood and Adulthood.

The total box office for Kidulthood was £1,530,876, compared to Adulthood which generated £3,247,811. Kidulthood generated less which could arguably be due to the better relationship between audience and film which was due to the poster.

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