Tuesday 6 February 2018


Quicksand - Final Piece

Below is some of our personal favourite shots from our trailer:

This shot was a favourite of ours as we were able to show our skills in terms of both camera movement and positioning, with a high angle shot assisted with a tilt.

This shot, although simple, was a big favourite of ours just because of the background overshadowing our protagonist and turning him into a silhouette, suggesting he is overshadowed by society. Therefore, although simple, still with holds symbolic imagery.

We found this shot extremely useful in our trailer as the time lapse effect of it assisted the time lapse effect of our reviews and allowed us to put many one word yet powerful reviews in our trailer, as well as show our skills in post production.

The final favourite of ours was the ending of our trailer. Arguably, the breaking of the fourth wall, the centre framing of our protagonist allowed us to show his importance in the film, as well as put in our typography in this memorable shot for the audience. The waves also, represent freedom and him walking from it suggests his inevitable end to his enclosed, cyclical life.

-Caera Mendez

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